Thursday, June 11, 2009

So heres the business.

Yesterday my sister gave A-drizzle, Jerrold, and Brandon a ride home, but she had to stop by walmart and some nail salon first, so we were with her for a bit.

So like the guys and i had a walmart adventure. I'm expecting more of those over the summer =)
Then went to McDonalds to eaaaat.

Then Nikka and i helped my sister make at least 20 candy leis. it was tiring plus i hadda study for my bio finals. Thank god i got it over with.

Today was the last day of escuela. Wasn't sad at all, but imma miss all my easy classes. Business academy here i come!
Ewwww.... I'm a sophomore now. I'm getting old =[

Hopefully imma see everyone tomorrow. I got a whole summer planned out. =)
Let's kick it guys!

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